Θέλεις να ακονίσεις και να αναδείξεις τις δεξιότητές σου στο coaching; Να εμβαθύνεις στη γνώση και να ανακαλύψεις νέα εργαλεία και τις πιο αποτελεσματικές μεθόδους; Τα θέλεις όλα αυτά για να αναπτύξεις την αυτογνωσία σου, ή να απογειώσεις τον επαγγελματισμό σου με ό,τι πιο φρέσκο υπάρχει στον τομέα του coaching σε άμεση ευθυγράμμιση με τα παγκόσμια δεδομένα;
Το 2021 είναι η χρονιά σου!
H Positivity Coaching καινοτομεί για ακόμη μια φορά και δημιουργεί μια σειρά από Community Salons με κορυφαίους, παγκόσμια αναγνωρισμένους εισηγητές που έρχονται να μας μιλήσουν και να μας μεταδώσουν τη σοφία και την εμπειρία τους. Είσαι έτοιμη-ος;
Ο Δεκέμβριος είναι ο μήνας της Διαίσθησης!
Presenter: Maureen Purcell, PCC
Ms. Purcell is a PCC International Coaching Federation (ICF) life coach and mentor coach who is passionate about the role of coaching in the workplace and in life. She holds her coaching space with whole-heartedness and presence for those she works with to bring out their best in work and life. She loves playing with intuition to inspire others to new and greater possibilities in their life journeys. In addition to her coaching and mentor coaching practice, she has served as adjunct faculty at an ACSTH coaching program she helped co-develop. Her educational style is experiential providing hands-on activities to deepen learning and understanding. Her academic credentials include a Masters in Organizational Development and a Masters in Health Services Administration. Her coaching credentials include:
- Emotional Intelligence Coach certificate
- Mentor Coach certificate
- ICF PCC Marker Assessor Training
Intuition is a challenging topic as it can be difficult to measure yet, when used in a coaching relationship it can bring profound results for clients. Yet intuition is a tool that is often overlooked, discounted or left untapped by coaches. Today we will discuss how one identified one’s own sense of intuition and will practice one’s intuitive muscle, including in a coaching conversation. To deploy this tool, it invites the coach to embody a coaching mindset that is ‘open, curious, flexible and client-centered’. Join us in this session to identify and strengthen your own source of intuition. Build on this sense to deepen your own coaching practice and to give your clients insights as to how they can leverage their own intuition to find solutions to move them forward in their coaching goals. There will be hands-on activities for you to play with your own intuition and with others in the session as they tap into their sense of intuition.
Learning Objectives:
*Discuss the relationship between intuition and ICF Core Competencies
*Identify different types of intuitive experiences
*Learn ways to deepen one’s intuition
*Explore the use of this tool not only for the coach, but for the client
Coaches will do exercises to expand their own intuition and then will pair up to simulate a coach/client dual access to intuition.
Διεξαγωγή webinar: 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2021
Εγγραφές έως 11/12/21
*1 Μόλις προχωρήσετε στην αγορά του εισιτηρίου σας μέσω Paypal, στέλνετε με mail το καταθετήριο στο communication@positivity.gr με θέμα την εισήγηση που επιλέξατε.
*2 Όλα τα Community Salons by Positivity είναι εντελώς δωρεάν για τους φοιτητές και τις φοιτήτριες του Diploma in Team and Leadership Coaching