Μαρκέλλα Καπιτσάκη

Diploma in Team and Leadership Coaching

Jaqui Rose Wambui Kamau

Diploma in Positivity Coaching (Personal and Executive)

Εύα Δημητρακοπούλου

Diploma in Positivity Coaching (Personal and Executive) & Diploma in Team and Leadership Coaching

Πόπη Αντωνοπούλου

Diploma in Team and Leadership Coaching

Μαρία Αγελαδά

Diploma in Positivity Coaching (Personal and Executive)


Liz Hall is Editor & Co-owner of Coaching at Work magazine (www.coaching-at-work.com); author of Coach Your Team (Penguin, 2019); author of Mindful Coaching (Kogan Page, 2013), author/editor of Coaching in Times of Crisis & Transformation (Kogan Page, 2015), and chapter contributor to books including Professional Coaching (Springer, 2018); Mindfulness in Organisations (Cambridge University Press, 2015), and Mastery in Coaching (Association for Coaching/Kogan Page, 2014). Her books are translated in Spanish, Arabic, Korean and Chinese.????

Είναι διαπιστευμένη coach (ACC) από το ICF και δραστηριοποιείται ως Executive, Academic και Career Coach εφαρμόζοντας κατά περίπτωση το εργαλείο Cinema Coaching.

Είναι διαπιστευμένη Coach (ACC) από το ICF και εξειδικεύεται στο business coaching μικρομεσαίων επιχειρήσεων. Παράλληλα προσφέρει ατομικές συνεδρίες life coaching.

Είναι διαπιστευμένη Coach (ACC) από το ICF και εξειδικεύεται στο executive coaching. Για περισσότερα από 20 χρόνια βρίσκεται στο χώρο της μουσικής εκπαίδευσης με παρουσία σε Ωδεία και Μουσικά Σχολεία ως καθηγήτρια βιολιού και ανώτερων θεωρητικών μουσικής.

Supervisor, Mentor Coach

Luciano has a solid history of directing talent acquisition function and leading business-driven initiatives and global strategic plans. He is an expert in improving company climate and culture by identifying gaps and overcoming the barriers. He develops and employs current business practices that attract and retain high-potential talent and that facilitate the flourishing of a coaching culture. He is a Master Certified Coach credentialed through ICF and a Coach Supervisor accredited through CSA. Location: Rome, Italy. 🇮🇹